All Change with BPS!

Posted 23 March 2015 by Liane Marchant & filed under Adkin News& Grants & Subsidies
All Change with BPS!
The European Agriculture Commissioner Phil Hogan has confirmed that Member States may choose to extend the BPS 2015 submission deadline to Monday 15th June. Whilst this is optional, DEFRA has confirmed that England will use this extension.
In addition to the extension, DEFRA have agreed to make paper forms available for completion of BPS 2015 claims. The Rural Payments system will only need to be used for registration.
From today, (Monday 23rd March), a blank RLE1 form and BP5 BPS claim form will be available to download and print off. The RLE1 is to be used for both land transfers/changes and entitlements transfers. A prepopulated BP5 claim form will be available in a couple of weeks which should reflect any data that farmers had already managed to complete using the online Rural Payments system.
Please see the GOV.UK website for further details.
If you require any assistance with your claim this year or have any queries please contact Emily Ham or Simon Alden who will be more than happy to help!